
Energo ESCO and Carniprod jointly invested in the project of Biocarnic ESCO SRL in order to design, approve and implement a biogas plant and a 527 KW cogeneration electric motor in Tulcea, amounting to approximately 2.5 million Euros.

The partnership ends 15 years after the commissioning in 2015, correlated with support during the production of energy from renewable sources set forth by the Law no. 220/2008.

Opportunities: The Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) proposed the modification of the support scheme based on green certificates, by introducing the feed-in tariff for biogas CHP plants with an installed power of up to 500 kW; in addition, the scheme of state aids for supporting investments in promoting the production of energy from renewable sources less exploited (biomass, biogas, geothermal) is being subject to public debate.


NOVIS PLAZA, Block A, 3-rd floor
Taietura Turcului 47, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Email: office@energoesco.ro
Tel: +40 799 402 629

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